Free for One Day

Picture of Heather Cullen

Heather Cullen

In The Money

Problem with ITM Australian Version

There has been a problem on Amazon that when some people downloaded the Australian version of ITM they actually got the standard ITM book instead. If you bought the Australian version and it doesn’t have the extra Australian chapters then apologies.

To make up for it I am reducing the cost to zero for one day so that you can download it free of cost. Here are the times:

I am not sure what happened, but if you have the wrong version I am sorry and I hope that this will make up for it. 

Reader Messages & Queries

Another apology – I have had many lovely reader messages and queries (and I love hearing from readers) but I got somewhat behind in responding to them. I think that I have cleared the backlog and am now up to date, but if you have sent a message and have not received a reply then please send it again and I will do better this time!

Happy Trading

Heather Cullen In The Money Signature

Heather Cullen

ITM Blog

Heather Cullen

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Please note that Heather answers all questions at the end of the ITM Blog.


Happy trading!