Reply To: Historical Performance of ITM Strategy

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Heather Cullen

In The Money

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George Henry

2023 ITM Strategy Performance

We’ve now at $469.33 which means on the current trade we are up 8% (16% at 100% leverage). So, if we add up (at 100% leverage):

-1% +14% + 16% = 29%

So, we have made 29% for the year. Not exactly earth shattering I admit, but we did beat the market which went up 22%. We need to remember that we are doing a bull market strategy and that the market this year has been emerging from a bear market & has not exactly been a bull market!
SPYG Performance
Like SPY we had a golden cross in February, and so got into the market at around $54.70, only to be sadly disappointed as it proved to be short-lived, and we exited a few days later at $52.73, losing 3.6% (7.2% leveraged) Ouch. Not happy. At the end of March we reentered at $55.73, a higher price. Since then we have stayed in the market as there hasn’t been a death cross in SPY, and so we are sitting on a gain of 15.7% (31.4% leveraged)

-7% + 31% = 24%

So for the year we are up 24%, not great when SPYG itself went up 28%. Not one of my success stories!

Heather Cullen

ITM Blog

Heather Cullen

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