Reply To: Political Partition

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Heather Cullen

In The Money

Home Forums ITM Chat Political Partition Reply To: Political Partition

George Henry

I was searching for the meaning of political partition on the Internet and this is what it means similarl.

“In politics, a partition is a change of political borders cutting through at least one territory considered a homeland by some community.”

Here are some examples of partition in politics.

Partition of Czechoslovakia in 1993 into the independent entities of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Partition of Cyprus in 1974 (de facto), into Greek-majority Cyprus and Turkish-majority Northern Cyprus after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.

Possible Partition of Kosovo after disputed independence (partition from Serbia) in 2008. See also Kosovo independence precedent.

Partition of Sudan into two entities in 2011, the Muslim-majority Sudan and the Christian-majority South Sudan.

Heather Cullen

ITM Blog

Heather Cullen

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